I’m Alive-ish

Yes, I’m still alive in a very literal sense.   Full disclosure: I haven’t been using my brain energy very constructively. Besides spending a disturbing amount of time writing (and editing) my feedback for a Marvel Cinematic Universe podcast, I’ve done almost nothing since November. While originally thinking it was just laziness, I’m now pretty … Read more

Cross Quarters

I’m at a bit of a crossroads with the seasonal release thing.   On one hand, I’m really proud of what’s been finished so far. Autumn is kind of insane and the two pieces I’ve finished for winter are my most personal  about going blind. As I mentioned, this whole thing would cover that year … Read more

2001: A Marc Odyssey

So I have some new lyrics (and hopefully a site refresh) coming in the next month or so.   Despite this, I’ve been thinking a bit about what I’d like to do next. My early thoughts have gravitated towards writing an entire group of lyrics based around and influenced by winter. In my mind, winter … Read more

Getting Over The Mountain

As everyone starts moving on from the pandemic, I’ve recently wondered what that means exactly.   It’s been two years since we’ve consistently been able to function in a normal way. Large gatherings beyond family have been rare as many people worked from home. Reduced interactions, health mandates and divisions regarding the balance for both … Read more