Storyteller Sunday #1: History

Storyteller Sunday is a weekly blog post that details the creation of past lyrics I’ve written.   Included as the last piece for Nocturnal in 2018, History is inspired by a few things. Coming together quickly, it was also the first bit written for this group of lyrics. In my head, I envisioned a vibe similar to … Read more

Echoes From The Past

On Friday December 3, I’ll be launching a brand new group of lyrics on the site.   Written over the past year, Between The Night And Day is made up of 13 new titles. The grouping focuses on confronting the past, how time reshapes perceptions of it and where that ultimately leads us. It also … Read more

You Are An Important Part Of My Computer

It’s been about 10 months in the making, but the time has finally arrived.   Welcome to Marc With A Mouth, the website where I’ll be showcasing my… writing skills? Okay, maybe I didn’t think the title through. Either way, this wonderful corner of the world wide web is dedicated to my artistic endeavours, general … Read more